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首頁 > 本科留學(xué) > 雅思口語 > 雅思口語話題:最喜歡的老師


2014-12-25 16:21:25留學(xué)網(wǎng)整理

  My topic is fascinating . It’s about teachers in our lives. No doubt, teachers are important as they provide not only education but more critically, life guidance.

  We should always feel grateful to our teachers. Talking about my favorite teacher, there’s none other than Mr. Chen, our first mathematics teacher in senior high school. I remember back then, I was so young, so immature , and frankly, a little bit stupid because I was so lazy at learning.I didn’t realize that learning was for my own future. And Mr. Chen totally changed that.

  His writing on the blackboard was so clean and beautiful that every time he wrote on the blackboard we enjoyed looking at it so much. Naturally , that increased my interest in learning the subject. His teaching methodology was so versatile that we never felt bored. It was so fun!

  He was very different from the other teachers, because he looked very thin, and if he was any thinner, he wouldn't exist. And he was unbelievably responsible for us. She treated us as her own children.

  He impacted my life greatly since it was he who showed me that not working hard when you can is a crime . I remember he said to me one day,“We’re not foolish, we’re not stupid, and we need to fight for our own future with blood, sweat and tears.”

  Someone said, a mediocre teacher tells; a good teacher explains; a superior teacher demonstrates;

  and a great teacher inspires . To me he's the greatest teacher I’ve ever known.

[標(biāo)簽:海外留學(xué) 考試 雅思 復(fù)習(xí)指南]






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